Sunday 27 September 2020


Brief account of the making of our continuity exercise and problems we faced. 

Our task was to make a short clip with continuity editing in order to put into practice, the camera angle techniques we had learnt. In our groups, we had to create a storyboard, assign roles and edit our clips together at the end on the iMacs. Our continuity exercise is set on the show of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' on the final question with Tom as the host and Charlotte acting as the guest. 

Some of the challenges we faced were that our set with the green screen was not wide enough to film over the shoulder shots from both sides. Instead, we had our actors swap seats and when editing had to reverse the shot so we would not break the 180 degree rule and this gave the illusion that they had never moved. 

We also had to deal with ambient noise of other groups and so we had the studio cleared so their voices would not interfere with our recording. 


  1. You planned efficiently and your filming was well organised. Please add the video itself.

  2. Excellent work!
